Friday, May 4, 2012

Cinema Style: Jean Seberg in Breathless

In Jean-Luc Goddard's Breathless, Jean Seberg is fresh, forward, chic, and femminine without effort. The American in Paris love story, is a classic story, but Breathless, is maybe the most fascinating. Seberg is definitely the most fascinating of our favorite American heroines in Paris. 

Here in Los Angeles The Motion Picture Academy of Art and Sciences (aka the people who bring us the Oscars) will hold a screening of a special 50th Anniversary print of Breathless in 35mm. The restoration was done in 2010 and I will be happily report on the screening later in month.

In the meantime, who isn't impressed by the subtle effeminate styling of Jean Seberg in her cropped do and striped wardrobe. Maybe she alone is responsible for my love of stripes. We who are in love with the New Wave, salute Breathless for timeless style.