Friday, July 8, 2011

SweetLeigh Goes to Silverlake!

Hi Fashionistas! There is no news like good news! SweetLeigh has a new home for the Summer! I'll be vending at Silverlake Art/Craft & Vintage the second Saturday of the month, starting July 9th! Make sure to come visit me and check out my new projects and merchandise!

ReVitalize - ReVintage - ReFashion!

SweetLeigh is my love of treasure hunting/thrifting and creating combined. I make original and unique accessories  and clothing from found treasures and sustainable materials. Check out my inspiration board on Tumblr for more about my inspirations and i'll be posting on the process of creating fabulous baubles and bits too!


The market is the second Saturday of every month 10AM - 4PM 
                          MICHELTORENA  STREET(CROSS ST. SUNSET BLVD.) LA CA 90026

Can't wait to see you in Silverlake Fashionistas! 
XO , 
Vanessa Leigh

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Indie Daze!

My trip to New York last month not only introduced me to fabulous bloggers but fabulous independent designers! I caught the Finale runway show at Full Figured Fashion week and found a few new favorite indie designers! This is the first in a series of focus on my fellow Independent fashion designers rocking plus size fashion!

Rachel Kacenjar, creator, designer of Cupcake & Cuddlebunny and Sweetooth Couture 

Rachel Kacenjar Photo Credit Closet Riots on Tumblr
Rachel Kacenjar photo credit Lynn Ischay The Plain Dealer

Rachel's first company, Cupcake & Cuddlebunny is right up my alley with fabulous vintage size 14-28. Charming vintage finds and modified precious wardrobe must haves!

Cupcake & Cuddlebunny Etsy  Listing:  Fondant Gllitter Dress

Sweetooth Couture was easily one of my favorites at Full Figured Fashion week. In 2009 Rachel met the demand of her customers with more modern clubwear and party options. She makes both ready to wear sizes 14-28 and in addition makes one of a kind custom pieces as well as custom sizes if her sizing chart doesn't suit you. Now that's what I'm talking about!


 All of the above photos are from the Sweetooth Couture website unless otherwise credited. Check out as well. Cheers to modern, youthful fashion for women of size by women of size! Cheers Rachel!